Séances de formation et d'information

le 28 mai 2021 - Atelier annuel pour les éducateurs (anglais seulement)


Dans l'atelier de cette année, nous avons souligné que les programmes ont réussi à demeurer conformes aux Normes pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 et à maintenir la valeur de l'agrément pour les divers intervenants. Nous avons également exploré le processus d'évaluation par les pairs - qui devrait faire partie de l'équipe, et quelles ressources sont nécessaires pour assurer la cohérence de l'évaluation. Bon visionnement!



le 27 mai 2020 - Program Evaluation Workshop (anglais seulement)

The purpose of this workshop was to start the conversation on what changes may be necessary to Standard 4: Program Evaluation. Listen to hear educators’ experiences regarding their current program evaluation responsibilities and how they could be captured to demonstrate compliance with the standard. Many thanks to the program coordinators and instructors who participated. Our Standards Revisions are currently scheduled to begin this Fall and we look forward to further discussions and input from all stakeholders.


le 27 mars 2020 - Séance de questions-réponses sur la COVID-19 et les normes et politiques du PAE AE & AP (anglais seulement)

Le 27 mars, nous avons organisé une séance d'information sur les préoccupations des enseignants concernant le maintien du statut d'agrément pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, en particulier en ce qui concerne les heures de stage clinique et les rapports de changements majeurs. Si vous n'avez pas pu assister à notre séance, vous pouvez réécouter les questions-réponses en cliquant ci-dessous. La vidéo sera diffusée dans une fenêtre séparée (en anglais).

La séance renvoie à nos directives du 26 mars à l'intention des programmes que vous pouvez lire ici.

Nous avons également créé un document Foire aux questions :
Foire aux questions sur la COVID-19 - Changements apportés aux normes et politiques du PAE AE & AP à l'intention des programmes d'enseignement

le 29 mai 2019 - Séance d'éducation (anglais seulement)

If you were unable to attend our session, you can watch the presentation and Q & A by clicking below. Right click for the option for full-screen viewing.

The session covers the new OTA & PTA EAP Strategic Plan, upcoming Accreditation Process streamlining activities, and includes presentations from Connie Fischer and Susan Sanford of Nova Scotia Community College who provided information about developing a Conceptual Framework, Logic Model and Program Evaluaton Plan.

Click here to read the slides presented by Connie Fischer and Susan Sanford of Nova Scotia Community College who provided information about developing a Conceptual Framework, Logic Model and Program Evaluaton Plan:

Tools for Suppporting Program Success - Conceptual Framework

Tools for Supporting Program Success: A Logic Model and Evaluation Plan

le 20 juin 2018 - Séance d'éducation (anglais seulement)

If you were unable to attend our session, you can watch the presentation and Q & A on our YouTube playlist.

It covers revisions to the 2012 Accreditation Standards document (Key Indicators, Required Evidence for some criterion, and Explanatory Notes for distance education programs). This presentation also reviewed new Self-Study Report Forms, and a Peer Review Team pilot to address ongoing PRT recruitment challenges.


le 1 juin 2016, Vancouver: "Accreditation as a Quality Improvement Initiative"

If you were unable to attend our session in Vancouver, you can watch each of the presentations on our YouTube playlist: (anglais seulement)

le 26 mai 2015, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Thank you to all who attended. Handouts are in the PDF portfolio below.

Powerpoints and Handouts

The session was recorded and is available for viewing at this URL:

http://momentum.adobeconnect.com/p9j65zcn8rl/ A few notes about the recording:
  • Audio is not great - we forgot sometimes to have the audience use the microphone. Audio also cut out sometimes when Adobe Connect was especially busy, and the mp3s that were played are not clear at all - our apologies
  • All handouts are also available for download when you are on the viewing website
  • The recording is bookmarked but you have to use the left menu to find the bookmarks. Set it up like this:

le 18 juin 2014 - Edmonton, Alberta

Thank you for all who attended - powerpoints and summaries of discussions can be downloaded here:

le 23 mai 2013 - Montréal, Québec

Thank you to all who attended! Materials distributed & discussed can be downloaded here:

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