Accreditation Standards

2023 Accreditation Standards


There are several significant changes to note when compared to the 2018 Accreditation Standards. These are described in What’s New in the 2023 OTA/PTA Accreditation Standards which will be found at the link below.


What’s New in the 2023 OTA/PTA Accreditation Standards



2012 Accreditation Standards (2018 revision)


Several additions have been made to the current Accreditation Standards document to provide clarification and guidance for programs, peer reviewers and members of the Joint Accreditation Committee. This revision includes a list of Required Evidence for certain criteria, as well as guiding Key Indicators of Compliance to assist with interpretation of each criterion.

Please note that the Standards and Criteria themselves have not changed at this time.

We've created a brief guide to the changes, including timelines for compliance, which you can review by clicking below. You can also view the full 2012 Accreditation Standards (2018 revision) document by clicking on the link to the right.


2012 Accreditation Standards (2018 revision) - A Resource for Programs



2012 Accreditation Standards (2016 revision)

The current OTA & PTA EAP Accreditation Standards were published in November 2012. Revisions were published in July 2016 to incorporate changes to Criterion 3.4

Timelines to Demonstrate Compliance with Criterion 3.4 CORE

In July 2016 Criterion 3.4 and it's subcriteria (3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3) became CORE criteria. Below please find information regarding the timelines for demonstration of compliance with 3.4 for programs with Accreditation Status and programs with Candidacy Status.

    Programs with Accreditation Status:

    Programs with accreditation status as of April 30, 2019 were required to submit evidence of compliance with the revised Criterion 3.4 in a Progress Report on or before August 1, 2019. The JAC and PEAC/CAOT Boards reviewed the evidence of compliance for all accredited programs in late 2019.

    Programs with Candidacy Status:

    Programs with candidacy status should begin to track fieldwork hours as evidence of compliance with the new Criterion 3.4 now. Their evidence of compliance will be submitted as part of their first Self Study Report.

    All parts of Criterion 3.4 are CORE. Therefore, if this criterion is not met the program’s accreditation status would change to probationary. To prepare to demonstrate compliance at their next accreditation review, all programs should track fieldwork hours in a way that follows GUIDE-11 on an ongoing basis (if not already doing so).

    Please contact the OTA & PTA EAP Program Manager if you have questions about how and when your program needs to demonstrate compliance.

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