Accreditation Process
- a certificate/diploma is granted by the educational institution
- the education program is affiliated with an institution authorized under applicable law to provide postsecondary education
- the education program includes 500 OTA/PTA practicum hours
- the individual responsible (i.e., program head/coordinator/director) for the OTA & PTA education program is a registered occupational therapist or physiotherapist
- There is
- a curriculum framework document and an articulated educational philosophy
- a designated sustainable budget
- identifiable program space
Offsite Accreditation Review The education program SSR is circulated to the four member PRT (an occupational therapist, an occupational therapist OTA/PTA educator, a physiotherapist and a physiotherapist OTA/PTA educator). The PRT members review the evidence for compliance with all standards, with a focus on compliance with Standard 6. Compliance with 80% of the criteria in Standard 6 OTA and Standard 6 PTA based on submitted evidence is necessary in order to warrant proceeding to an onsite visit. An offsite review teleconference is held with the OTA & PTA EAP Program Manager and the PRT to draft the offsite review report. The report is forwarded to the education program to assist in its preparation for the onsite visit, and, if necessary describe additional information/documentation requested by the PRT.
Should the Onsite Review be cancelled due to lack of compliance with Standard 6, the program will be given up to one year from the date of notification to the program to provide the required evidence to demonstrate 80% compliance. The program will be invoiced a deferral fee of $2500 to cover the administrative costs related to rescheduling.
If, after re-submission, there is still insufficient evidence to indicate that the program meets at least 80% of the criteria in Standard 6; the accreditation process will be terminated, the program will no longer be a program affiliated with the OTA & PTA EAP, and the program will be required to re-apply for candidacy status.
Following the visit, the PRT does not make a recommendation regarding the program's overall accreditation award. Its role is to gather and verify evidence, and to identify compliance with individual criteria within the standards.
- Fully Compliant
- Partially Compliant
- Probationary
The education program is notified in writing of the accreditation award decision and the required follow up in an official Accreditation Review and Status Report (AR & SR).